Written By Ahsika Boasman - September 15 2021
In a society enamored with influencers, ever changing trends, and an immense pressure to adapt to the status quo, some would agree that we have, in a sense, lost the ability to be authentic.
But what does it mean "to be authentic"?
The dictionary definition for authentic means;
"Representing one's true nature or beliefs, true to oneself, not false or copied, genuine, real"
My definition of authenticity means "having the courage to be yourself". To embrace your unique mindset. Standing apart from the crowd. Not fitting the mold.
To be authentic is to be confident with your imperfections. No one is perfect, and no one should aspire to be perfect. By embracing your unique qualities you inspire those around you to do the same. They defend your integrity, because you've proven to be honest, trustworthy and consistent in character.
Authenticity is one of the core values of Curls à la Mode; Inclusivity, Confidence and Self-Love being the other three. 2020 taught me many lessons; the most important being it's ok to go against what's considered normal. In the midst of a pandemic I found my voice and the courage to stand apart from the crowd.
If you truly desire to live an authentic life, these are some habits you should adapt.
Maintain a healthy ego: Always share from your heart and not your ego. Be humble and willing to lead those who need guidance. An authentic person practices empathy.
Have a good character: People trust you because you keep your word! You say what you mean, and you mean what you say. You value integrity in all areas of your life. Being consistent in character builds credibility as an authentic person.
Hold your vision: Knowing who you are creates a deep connection to yourself. This naturally makes you a visionary and an innovator. You're self-made; meaning you designed yourself. This is a powerful quality which can be used in many different aspects of your life, both personally and professionally. You think with vision which adds value to the people around you.
Practice transparency: You radiate a sense of worth and assurance when you're self-confident. You know who you are and you're secure in yourself. You're honest about your imperfections and you love all your flaws! When you embrace your weaknesses you show courage to truly be yourself.
Be emotionally intelligent: To be authentic is to be introspective and a deep thinker. Authentic people are capable of generating thought power, through examination of their own mental and emotional state. They're conscious of their thoughts and actions, which leads to adding value to the lives of others. Practice self-awareness, and act with good intentions and motives.
Stay true to yourself: Be yourself, everyone else is already taken. An authentic person practices what they preach! They use action to do exactly what they say they're going to do. Your duty is to yourself always; remain honest.
Be brave and bold. Step outside of the crowd and find your authenticity. Stay mindful of your thoughts and actions, and watch as your life and the people around you transforms. Life is a journey of discovering yourself. So go and live it authentically!